Pretty is as Pretty Does

by | Jan 22, 2015 | Blog | 0 comments

As the Controller for PRIER Products, I ensure that we have “A-Quality” in our people, our systems and our things. To have “A-Quality” people, we guarantee that we treat each other with professionalism and respect. If I say something that is not professional, I can hear my mother’s voice in my head.  She would say, “pretty is as pretty does and right now Cindy, you are pretty ugly!” Words are so powerful! I want everyone I meet to remember something nice I did for them or at the very least, not to remember something ugly that I said. 

One way to be sure that you are ready to face each day and each situation with your best foot forward is to take care of yourself. Each day, you need to rest, exercise and eat healthy food. That is not always an easy task, but if you work at it, the payoff is huge. You look better, you function better and you feel better. You will be pretty to yourself and others. For me, planning my meals and making sure I start with pretty and healthy food makes exercising easier. If I exercise every day, I am ready to sleep each evening and ready to start a new day each morning. Here is a recipe that my friends and I just love and I hope you’ll love it too.  This will help you be pretty on the inside and out, plus my mom would love it!

Pistachio Chicken Salad 

¼-Cup: Olive Oil

1-Cup: Shelled Pistachio Nuts-Chopped

1-Cup: Diced onion

1-teaspoon: Ground Pepper 

½-teaspoon: Salt (optional)

4: Chicken breasts (cut into strips or chunks)

Guacamole (I buy pre-made, individual servings located in the produce section)

Tossed salad with diced tomatoes

When chopping the nuts, I like to leave some larger pieces. The finer you grind them the more like pesto the sauce will become. I like the combination of large and small pieces that my chopper makes.  

In a skillet, mix together the oil, nuts, onion and spices. I do not use salt and if you use salted nuts, you most likely will not need any. Place the chicken into the pan and spoon some of the nut mixture over the top. Cook over medium heat for a minute or two until the chicken loses most of its pink color. Cover and cook on low for 10 or 15 more minutes until the chicken is cooked all of the way through. If you want to cut the fat, you can bake this and reduce the nuts and oil. Serve the mixture hot or cold over your salad and top with the guacamole and diced tomatoes.


Build with Purpose

PRIER builds plumbing products with purpose. With 140 years of experience in listening to the customer and identifying needs, we design and build products that are easier to install and operate and stand the test of time.