Counting Your Blessings

by | Oct 3, 2012 | Blog | 0 comments

The PRIER family was a blessing that was there for me when I lost my previous job at the beginning of 2011. Since then, I have grown as an individual and also learned new skills needed in my position as the Warehouse Manager. Our mission statement at PRIER begins with the statement, “to operate under the will of God.” And had I not believed this to be true I would not have been able to accept what my family and I were about to go through.

On February 9, 2012, my family received a blessing from my oldest daughter, Danielle, who gave birth to a little 5lb. 8oz. baby girl she named Charlotte Harmony. Charlotte was born one month premature and spent the first nine days of her life in the NIC unit in an enclosed incubator. She was connected to several machines including a heart monitor, which Charlotte came home from the hospital with and remained linked to for a full month. During that first month at home, a nurse came to our house twice a week to give Charlotte a complete checkup, taking vitals and weight. All in all, we had a very busy first 30 days and through it all Charlotte was growing and changing, showing all of us how blessed we now are.

Charlotte was always very happy and wherever she went people were drawn to her. Maybe it was because her hair stood straight up on the top of her head, but we all knew that it was her smile. Yes, everybody loved to see Charlotte’s funny hair and beautiful smile.

Then in April my wife Darcy found out that an uncle had been killed in an accident and we wanted to send her to be with her family. We decided to send Danielle and Charlotte as well. Now some babies do not do well in big crowds of people being handled by so many, but Charlotte took it all in stride as if she knew that she was there to be a ray of sunshine for everyone. So many people were touched by this little 3-month-old blessing. Not a day goes by that I don’t find myself thinking of or telling someone about this little person that has blessed my whole family, including my two other children, Nathan and Nicolle, who have been completely taken by their niece as well.

I have also been blessed to work with the best group of men who understand that at PRIER we do not live to work, but that we work so that we might live. The last line in the PRIER mission statement says “to have fun and enjoy our work.”  I do enjoy being a partner at PRIER Products because every day brings new challenges and I know that we face them together as a family. And hopefully, at the end of the day we will all remember to count our blessings.

Build with Purpose

PRIER builds plumbing products with purpose. With 140 years of experience in listening to the customer and identifying needs, we design and build products that are easier to install and operate and stand the test of time.