The Giving Season

by | Dec 7, 2012 | Blog | 0 comments

Give time.

When I reminisce with my cousins about when we were younger, I always think of the TIME we shared. There are many organizations out in the world that need your time- whether you are a candy striper helping a patient, passing out lunch plates at the local shelter, or planting a community garden! Find a nonprofit organization that specializes in something you are interested in. If you are not sure what interests you, try contacting your local United Way ©, Salvation Army ©, or a nursing home. Volunteering your time is always a good thing, and it will create memories that will last forever for you and others!

Got any spare change?

I have always loved the saying “every bit counts.” This is such a true statement for many organizations. According to Feeding America ©, they could turn $1 into 8 meals! Imagine what $20 could do! There are little things we could do to make an effort to give back. For those of us that go out to eat during our lunch hour, try bringing in your lunch once a week and giving the money you would have spent on lunch that day to charity. What about the spare change in your ashtray in the car, or in the coffee can on top of your dresser? It all can be used to help others! Don’t forget to give you change to the Salvation Army volunteer on your way out of the store! Such small sacrifices would make a BIG difference!

Give a cure.

Probably the most popular fundraising campaigns would be for the Susan G Komen foundation. For the entire month of October, the foundation raises awareness to finding a cure for breast cancer. During this month you can find almost anything stamped with a pink ribbon! Even the NFL players dress in pink! It is all done in effort to get more money for research to help find a cure. There are also walks for cures too. So, by giving your money to an organization like Susan G Komen, you can help fund research and potentially abolish any sickness for our next generation!

All in all, giving a little time or spare change could make a HUGE difference. Imagine if we all gave something, be it time or money, we could definitely prevent homelessness, create more happiness, cure hunger in our nation and maybe the world! ‘Tis every season to give and be jolly!

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