Multitasking; Can you really do it effectively?

by | Apr 23, 2014 | Blog | 0 comments

Working in customer service, I seem to multitask daily. Customer service representatives enter orders, take incoming calls, make outgoing calls, run reports and read articles on multitasking. I know I’m guilty of entering an order while taking a call. Sure, I can do it but am I really concentrating on both things, or am I neglecting one of them? I hope not!

What I found interesting was a part in the article that explained when we do attempt to multitask, “the brain ‘bottlenecks’ the information and quickly moves its attention from one thing to the next, instead of addressing the items simultaneously.”

So, what to do? How do we multitask effectively? Below are a few tips from the article and some of my ideas I have found helpful.

1. Get into a routine. Set up a schedule. Sounds easy, right?  If only it were that simple. Most of the time, we come into work with a plan in mind. Sometimes, we even write things down such as a to-do list. But, the phone starts ringing and the orders start coming in. Now don’t get me wrong, both of those are great things. We wouldn’t be in business without our customers! What I’m saying is best laid plans…

2. Set goals. Take a few minutes each day and plan out what you would like to get accomplished. I find even if those specific items don’t get done, they are written down and on your list to do the next day. 

3. Block it out. Block out distractions? Not so easy. However, there are some distractions that can be ignored. Facebook, Twitter, texts…get my drift? Block those out for a few hours each day. Although, the multitasking article I have referred to came from Facebook. Hmmm.

4. De-clutter. Stay organized. Have a place for everything. I have found that writing down what I would like accomplished for the week and prioritizing the items helps significantly. Does it always get done? No, but it’s now written down and on those days you can’t seem to get your thoughts in order, it’s something to refer to. Write down the small things. Just marking off something gives one a feeling of accomplishment. 

Some days do you find your mind wandering, staring at the computer?  This is a great day to pick something easy off the list to get started with. Also, write down what your mind is wandering to! Who knows, it may be the next big idea. 

Finally, take the last 15 – 30 minutes of your day and look over your list. Get the filing done, pick up your desk and heck, dust off your desk! Tomorrow you’ll come in feeling fresh.

What do you do to stay organized and keep on track? Share with us in the comments section below!

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Build with Purpose

PRIER builds plumbing products with purpose. With 140 years of experience in listening to the customer and identifying needs, we design and build products that are easier to install and operate and stand the test of time.