On the Subject of Water

by | Oct 15, 2014 | Blog | 0 comments

I have heard time after time that drinking six to eight glasses of water per day has numerous health benefits, including eliminating toxins from the human body. However, there were some new and interesting items that were new to me in this article.  

Did you know…

  • “Drinking one cup of coffee will cause you to excrete one and a half cups of water.” Hmmm, that surprises me.  I guess not all liquids are equal.
  • “As a measure of aging, intercellular dehydration is the single most consistent biomarker. As we get older, we lose our thirst sensitivity. And because the brain’s hunger center is next to the thirst center, many of us will seek food, believing we are hungry, when it is actually water that we need to satisfy our body’s requirements. Adding to our confusion, food can be up to 90% water, so our body learns to crave food when we are actually thirsty.”  Dr. Alevizos proceeds to advise that we should drink a glass of water when we are hungry, and then wait 10 minutes. This allows us to see if we are really hungry, or if we are simply thirsty. This was the most surprising fact to me. Thinking about it, I do remember times when I was hungry and just had some water to drink (all that was available or all I had time for) and was no longer as hungry. 
  • “[T]he sugar substitute aspartame (NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful and EqualMeasure) in [diet sodas] will oxidize into poisonous formaldehyde in our bodies and bog down our systems with minerals, preservatives and chemicals. Our bodies simply do not know how to cope with artificial sweeteners.”  Mmmm, sounds tasty (or not). Since I don’t like the taste of diet sodas, maybe my body was telling me something? Or maybe they just don’t taste good?
  • Dr. Alevizos also mentions that some Natural Spring, Mineral and Artesian waters may not be healthy due to possible ground contaminants near the water source and, distilled water is a good choice if filtered water is unavailable.  

So, there you go; some food (maybe water) for thought! Share your thoughts on water with us below!

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