It is Ineveitable

by | Apr 16, 2015 | Blog | 0 comments

Although these are scary thoughts and no one wants to hear that they are becoming just like their parents, it is inevitable. Of course this does not mean that we are doomed to becoming all of the bad traits of our parents, there are also good traits that should be focused on as we watch our own children become more like ourselves. As parents, we only want the best for our children and that they have life better than we have had.

I have heard on several occasions that my only son not only looks like me, but also has similar traits. I also have two daughters that one could pick out of a crowd as mine. Yes, in many ways all three are very much like me in both good and bad ways. Therefore, I would like to talk about one good trait that my two older children have acquired from their mother and I. 

I believe that my wife and I are both hard workers and that we do our jobs well. Our children have not always agreed with our way of doing things, but they have always known to work hard in school and get the best grades that they could. Our oldest daughter struggled a bit when she first started working, but eventually was able to get on the right track. Our son, on the other hand, knew what he wanted to do by the time he was 16 while our youngest daughter has had a path in mind from the time she was 13.

I am very blessed to have my two older children working for PRIER with me, and if someone were to say to them that they were just like me, I would be very proud. I know that by my example of working hard every day, my children are able to follow in my footsteps. When I see both of them making a difference and getting the job done, I don’t mind in the least that they are becoming just like me. I have worked for PRIER for more than four years now and I have seen many people come and go. But the ones that stay are like family and have even brought their own family members in to work for PRIER.

PRIER is a company with strong and positive family values. Presently at PRIER, there are more than five associates that have one or more of their children working with them. We also have cousins and even siblings working together to make PRIER a better company and to become more like one another. It is inevitable. 


Build with Purpose

PRIER builds plumbing products with purpose. With 140 years of experience in listening to the customer and identifying needs, we design and build products that are easier to install and operate and stand the test of time.