Going The Distance

by | Mar 29, 2018 | News / Press Releases | 0 comments

On February 24, 2018, Brady raced in the Psycho Wyco 50k race with his brother-in-law. This was the first race they ran to prepare for a 100-mile race they hope to compete in later this year in Idaho.

Race day was chilly and rainy, causing the course to be less than desirable. Brady described it as “running through peanut butter,” with mud up to his ankles. It took Brady 5 hours and 6 minutes to run the course; almost an hour longer than it took him in previous years.

Most people don’t just wake up one day and decide to run 30+ miles, so I met with Brady to ask about his history with running and what got him to this point.

Brady started running when he moved back to Kansas City in 2009 after living in California.

“I was very active when I was living in southern California. There’s volleyball, basketball, surfing, there’s lots of things always happening. When I moved back to Kansas City, I wanted to stay active so I started running a little bit.”

A little bit turned into a lot. He started by running a marathon in 2010, then just kept running. Brady says the book, Born to Run by Christopher McDougall, inspired him to keep running, along with encouragement from his girlfriend, Katie.

“She probably regrets that now.” Brady joked.

Since that first marathon, Brady has finished many races, including a 44.4 mile brewery run, a 95 mile race through the highlands in Scotland, and the Psycho Wyco race in previous years. He said he runs about 3-4 races a year, all of the distances being at least 50 kilometers or longer.

Check back on the blog to catch updates from Brady as he prepares for his 100 mile race this summer!

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