5 Tips on How to Write a Resume

by | Jul 24, 2014 | Blog | 0 comments

However, creating an excellent resume is crucial since it provides the prospective employer with an initial impression of each applicant. Think of your resume as a personal marketing tool. Being new at PRIER Products, I recently went through this process and thought I would share a few tips on resume writing. 

The general categories included on a resume are a profile or objective, work experience, and education or technical certification. 

1) Make your objective count. 

Including a profile or objective section is not crucial, but if you do include it, make it count. Generally speaking, it is best to match your skill with what is being advertised. Focus on how you can benefit the company, and fill the need that they are looking for. For example, an objective stating, “I would like to obtain employment to further my professional goals” is good. However, an objective that states, “I would like to apply my accounting skills in the Accounts Payable position at ABC Company” is even better.  

2) Tailor your work experience to the posted job position. 

The main body of the resume is the work experience, and this should be adapted to what the company is looking for. In the earlier example, if you are looking to apply for an Accounts Payable position and have experience in that in any of your previous jobs, that should be your first bullet point. If your previous position matches up with the posted job description, it would be best to lead with these points.  

3) Be concise and write with authority. 

Do not explain every detail of your job so that the section does not become too lengthy. Remember, this is just an introduction to who you are and what you have done. The idea is to land an interview where you can expand on some of these points. Starting each point with action words such as, “accomplished, managed, and lead”, sounds more compelling than simply “completed”.  

4) Only provide relevant education information. 

In the education section of your resume, provide any relevant information on certifications you have accomplished that pertain to the position. If you are a certified basket weaver, but are applying to an insurance agency, there would be no need to include this. However, be certain to include any level of college or university that you have completed. While this may not be relevant to the field you are pursuing, some employers prefer to hire people with four-year college degrees.  

5) Proofread what you have written! 

This is the most crucial step. It is best to have someone else, or a few people, reread what you have written. Nothing else dashes your credibility more quickly than misspelled words and grammar mistakes.  The font should also be professional; Times New Roman or Arial are your best options. Unless you are a graphic designer, this is not the time to try out a new font. It is also a good idea to email it to yourself to make sure the attachment and any other documents open correctly when you send it on. You may want to double check the formatting as it may have changed as well.  

With all these tips, you are well on your way to landing the interview and job of your dreams.  

Here are some great resources I have used along the way.  



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Build with Purpose

PRIER builds plumbing products with purpose. With 140 years of experience in listening to the customer and identifying needs, we design and build products that are easier to install and operate and stand the test of time.