6 Steps to a Healthy Lifestyle

by | Oct 16, 2013 | Blog | 0 comments

Here are some examples of simple things you can do to maintain a healthy lifestyle:

  • Remove all soft drinks from your diet. Soft drinks contain high amounts of sugar. Instead, replace this with something nutritious, for example green tea or water.
  • Consume low fat meats such as chicken, fish, turkey, and soy meat.
  • Eliminate any fried food from your diet (sometimes, we eat salad and we think that it’s nutritious, but we tend to add too much salad dressing and fried chicken, making the salad no longer nutritious and therefore, high in calories).
  • Add five servings of fruits and vegetables per day in your diet. This serving size is what is recommended by doctors. You can do this if you add a fruit in your breakfast, add two servings of vegetables in lunch, and add fruit for dessert at dinner.
  • Generally, you can make easy changes in your diet by replacing something that is not nutritious with a better alternative. For example, if you eat white bread, replace it with wheat bread. If you cook with regular oil, replace it with olive oil. If you usually eat a bag of chips for a snack, replace it with a small bag of nuts. All of these are small changes in your life that will make you healthier.
  • Lastly, make a small evaluation of what you eat and start to replace your non-nutritious diet with something nutritious. You do not want to wait to be diagnosed with a disease that forces you to change your diet.


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