Solving the Innovation Equation

Solving the Innovation Equation

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but brainstorming is quite possibly, one of the worst methods of creating good ideas.  You will come up with a list of lots of shallow ideas, but probably not the meaningfully unique idea you are looking for to drive your business...
PRIER’s Outlook for 2017

PRIER’s Outlook for 2017

The political and economic climate of the United States makes talking about the upcoming year a little more difficult than it has been in the past.  A crack down on immigration could have an adverse affect on PRIER.  Economists say immigration grows the US economy by...
Moving Onward

Moving Onward

While these are all great accomplishments for any company, we know that if we are not actively contributing to our community and seeking solutions to problems our employees face, we are not living up to part of the mission that PRIER has set out for itself – to help...
PRIER is Growing!

PRIER is Growing!

Patricia is already excelling in her role as Customer Service Representative, entering new PRIER purchase orders and helping our customers by answering all of their questions about products and stock availability. “We hired Patricia because of her great customer...
A Thankful Farewell

A Thankful Farewell

 This new year brings many changes in my life.  The biggest may be saying goodbye to a 50-year career in sales.  As I reflect on all my years of work, I am totally thankful.  I am thankful for all the great people that have made me the man I am today.  I am thankful I...