What a Year

What a Year

How did we do with our company objectives? Did we operate under the will of God? Did we help all associates become all they are meant to be, both inside and outside of PRIER? Did we provide satisfactory and rewarding work and careers to associates? Did we treat all...
Who’s Your Role Model?

Who’s Your Role Model?

We, as individual people, are no better than each other, as another individual, deep down inside. Some might have a nicer living space than others or some might have a more ideal situation they are dealing with. One might have a more functional and supportive family,...
Fun at PRIER

Fun at PRIER

First and foremost, we all follow PRIER’s mission statement. By acting under the will of God and always doing what’s right it makes it easier to stay united as a family. But, there is more to it than that. We have to bond to become and stay a family. To do this we...
CNC Technology 101

CNC Technology 101

PRIER Products has accepted the challenge and the allure of technology to advance their manufacturing capabilities. In the last couple of years, the company has invested in four Computer Numeric Controlled (CNC) machine tools to manufacture their water hydrant...