Career Goals, One Step at a Time

Career Goals, One Step at a Time

No one would argue that having career goals is important, but how to get there is another story.  At PRIER, we strive to help all employees become all they are meant to be both inside and outside of PRIER.  One of the ways we accomplish this is by helping employees...
Customer Service and FIRST LEGO League

Customer Service and FIRST LEGO League

FLL; FIRST® LEGO® League, is a group of 4th through 8th graders (ages 9-14) who program an autonomous robot to score points on a themed playing field. The kids and coaches spend two nights a week (around 6-8 hours) working on the robots while experiencing fun and...
Innovation: The Key to Extraordinary Success

Innovation: The Key to Extraordinary Success

But, what does innovative mean? Wikipedia tells us that innovation is “the application of better solutions that meet new requirements, inarticulated needs or existing market needs.” It is more than just the novel idea or method itself, you have to create it and put it...
Why Build a Culture of Giving?

Why Build a Culture of Giving?

Today we use our tithe in many areas of our business.  First, we match our associates’ gifts to worthy causes.  A simple example is United Way.  Like many businesses, each year we have a United Way Drive and PRIER commits to match those donations, dollar for dollar,...