Fear of Failure

Fear of Failure

I was at a college planning fair with two of my daughters and their friends.  All of these girls are excellent students who work very hard both in and outside of the classroom.  They are girls that virtually any college would be pleased if they chose their...
Tackling the Trash: Recycling One Step at a Time

Tackling the Trash: Recycling One Step at a Time

Now the word recycle is used for everything from furniture, toys and books to plastic water bottles, cardboard and paper.  The first time I remember hearing the word recycle, the company I worked for was selling reusable shopping bags.  I figured they...
Counting Your Blessings

Counting Your Blessings

The PRIER family was a blessing that was there for me when I lost my previous job at the beginning of 2011. Since then, I have grown as an individual and also learned new skills needed in my position as the Warehouse Manager. Our mission statement at PRIER begins with...
Now That Fall is Here…Prepare for Winter

Now That Fall is Here…Prepare for Winter

Lawn WinterizationFall is a great time to get that lawn ready for next year and prepare for the coming of winter. By putting in the effort now, you could have the greenest grass on the block come next spring. Most people are familiar with this process and various tips...