10 Ways to Be More Productive at Work

10 Ways to Be More Productive at Work

1) Prioritize your goals based on return on investment (ROI):There’s no sense in spending more time on something that will give you less payoff. Spend the time to determine what gives you the most bang for your buck, and then go out and get it done. Remember to work...
Did you know PRIER has a Colorado Office?

Did you know PRIER has a Colorado Office?

Since my husband is in the IT field, I persuaded him to help me work out the details of a remote office. First, we would need good high-speed Internet, on both ends. This was a great opportunity for PRIER as well, since at the time they had dial-up service. The only...
Product Giveaway: P-164 Quarter-Turn Wall Hydrant

Product Giveaway: P-164 Quarter-Turn Wall Hydrant

You have heard about this great hydrant, right? In case you need a little info on this best seller, I’ll fill you in. The P-164 is best known for its easy quarter-turn operation that reaches full flow at the turn of a wrist. To make your job even easier, this hydrant...
Easy Like Sunday Morning

Easy Like Sunday Morning

Some of the best companies in the world have excelled because they work very “hard” to make their customer’s life easier! My favorites are Southwest Airlines and Apple. As a frequent traveler, I am a big fan of Southwest Airlines. It isn’t just because I like peanuts,...
Avoiding the Culture Crisis

Avoiding the Culture Crisis

“It might sound surprising to a skeptical public, but culture was always a vital part of Goldman Sachs’s success. It revolved around teamwork, integrity, a spirit of humility, and always doing right by our clients. The culture was the secret sauce that made this place...