Big Shoes to Fill

by | Aug 26, 2015 | Blog | 0 comments

When my Father asked me to join Ludwig, Smith and Walker I jumped at the chance. I would be able to work side by side with my Dad and see firsthand this industry he loved. Of course, it wasn’t that easy since Dad made me interview with his partners and left the decision to hire me up to them. Dad wasn’t one for nepotism. 

As I worked for him as an inside sales person I slowly started to realize how loved he was in our industry. I was regaled with stories about my Dad from every wholesaler, manufacturer and customer we had. Everyone assumed one day I would take over his territory, and I kept hearing everyone say, “Big shoes to fill.”

Tom Ludwig would travel all week and then come back late Thursday afternoon or evening. If he made it home before 5pm he would come to the office. I used to ask him why he didn’t just go home and was told, “The office is open from 8-5.” His last few years in the company, I tried to get him to leave early on Fridays and get a jump on the weekend but Dad wouldn’t do it. If he wasn’t traveling a certain day, he was always the first in the office, usually getting in before 7am. His last day at work, (and we had a retirement party for him that evening), Dad stayed until 5pm.

When the company decided it would be best for me to take over his territory I was terrified. How can I possibly live up to the standards he set for himself and our company? How can I ever be as good with customers as he was? 

As Dad took me around to customers and introduced me, he would always say things like, “you’ll be in much better hands with Stephen.” I didn’t believe it of course, but Dad kept telling me how much better than him I was and that I would do great things for our company. He gave me confidence and told me to call him anytime I had a question or problem.

Well, it’s been almost 2 years since I took over for my father. I am trying every day to honor my Dad by working hard, treating everyone with dignity and respect, while holding integrity and honesty paramount above all else. Yes, I do have “big shoes to fill”, and I try and honor Tom Ludwig and his legacy every day. Thanks Dad, for everything.

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Build with Purpose

PRIER builds plumbing products with purpose. With 140 years of experience in listening to the customer and identifying needs, we design and build products that are easier to install and operate and stand the test of time.