Corporate Health and Wellness

by | Dec 3, 2014 | Blog | 0 comments

Here at PRIER, we have many programs to help fulfill a positive quality of life for all PRIER associates. These programs include: a monthly, healthy lunch and learn to educate associates within the company on different topics throughout the year, company supervisors that offer help with budgeting finances and company picnics and holiday events which combine family life and work life. PRIER also regularly encourages all employees to keep themselves healthy through exercise and diet.  

I am personally one of the biggest advocates of healthy exercise and diet and encourage not just my fellow employees to participate, but all businesses to incorporate some form of exercise regimen in their company module. It does not require a state of the art facility to accomplish! I, myself, use a scrap piece of piping and boxes with straps to do a 20 minute routine daily during breaks. Exercise not only improves employee energy, but it builds the capacity and life of heart and lungs while strengthening bone density and skeletal muscle. 

Finally, among many other positives, it builds confidence not only in the individual through physical accomplishments, but as a team, through trust and friendly competition. The bigger the bond between employees not only among themselves, but of their employer as well, will only strengthen the prosperity of any company. 

PRIER’s mission is help all associates become all they are meant to be, both inside and outside of PRIER. And, with healthy, joyful and inspiring associates, comes a powerful company! Read more about PRIER and its mission to promote all aspects of an associate’s life online at:

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Build with Purpose

PRIER builds plumbing products with purpose. With 140 years of experience in listening to the customer and identifying needs, we design and build products that are easier to install and operate and stand the test of time.