Customer Service and FIRST LEGO League

by | Mar 18, 2015 | Blog | 0 comments

FLL; FIRST® LEGO® League, is a group of 4th through 8th graders (ages 9-14) who program an autonomous robot to score points on a themed playing field. The kids and coaches spend two nights a week (around 6-8 hours) working on the robots while experiencing fun and excitement with science and technology. As coaches, we help the kids learn more about programming robots.  Along with programming, they learn to build a robot (engineering skills), how the robot moves from point A – B – C (math skills), how to work as a team and more.

The kids also have the opportunity to participate in challenges once their robot is complete. Each challenge has three parts: The Robot Game, the Project and the FLL Core Values.

Now, you might ask:  What do Customer Service and Lego’s® have in common?

From Customer Service Manager to coaching in the FLL, I have noticed similarities between the two. Some examples and 4 out of the 8 FLL Core Values are listed below:

1. We are a team.

“We are a Team” is the first core value in FLL. We teach kids to work together as a team to find solutions to problems they may encounter. We also teach them to cooperate and help each other while asking each other questions to better develop their communication skills. The kids from prior years are encouraged to help the younger kids to work and develop themselves as a team. This is true at PRIER as well. We are all a team, which is how we can ship our product in 8 working hours. When an order is entered and a special item is needed, the customer service team communicates with the production team to inform them what item needs to be made. The production team then notifies the warehouse team if a component is needed. Circling back, customer service is informed when the item will be manufactured so we can keep the customer informed. Teamwork!

2. We know our coaches and mentors do not have all the answers, we learn together.

As coaches, we do not have all of the answers. We do, however, help the kids think through the problem in order to find the answer. In Customer Service, we do not always have the answers to every question and inquiry either. However, we do not leave it at that. We do not just say “I don’t know” but rather, we diligently find the answer. We may have to call a customer back, but we will work together to find an answer and relay the information back to our customer.

3. We share our experiences with others.

Our FLL kids present their robots at different events. Last week we had the opportunity to present to the City Council members, and next week we will present at the 4-H carnival. Within PRIER, we share our experiences and information with other departments. For example, with every return authorization, once the item is received, we test the product. Once the product is tested, the information is relayed to me to be entered into a monthly report. We share this information with manufacturing to learn how to better manufacture our products and minimize any defectives.

4. We have FUN!

Well, of course we have fun at the FLL meetings. We have a number of kids talking to each other, running around with excitement when they complete a task, joking and just having fun. We may not actually run around with excitement at PRIER, but we do have fun and enjoy our work.

For more information on FLL, check out their website at


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Build with Purpose

PRIER builds plumbing products with purpose. With 140 years of experience in listening to the customer and identifying needs, we design and build products that are easier to install and operate and stand the test of time.