Effective Communication in the Workplace

by | Oct 28, 2013 | Blog | 0 comments

Here are a few tips to become a more effective communicator in the workplace:

Today, it seems so much easier to e-mail a co-worker that is sitting across the room than to get up from your comfortable chair to speak with them. We have become so reliable on technology that the importance of face-to-face conversation has been lost. Technology is great for speed, however, messages, such as emails, are open to many different types of interpretation. Facial expressions and body language help immensely. Try talking to co-workers face-to-face and you will begin to see a world of difference. It is more effective and it is helpful to see smiles and gestures to better understand a person’s point of view.

In business, there will always be people with multiple personalities and different ways of being. That, combined with the stress of deadlines, sales or productivity can sometimes add up to conflict. Minor issues will blow over, but how can you handle the other pesky conflicts that will not seem to go away? Remember when responding to a conflict, have an open mind and do so in a non-judgmental approach. Promote professionalism by taking a deep breath and respond in an unemotional way. While it is sometimes easier to blame than to take responsibility for your own thoughts and actions, it is not an effective way of communicating. Instead, ask questions, request clarification and understand everyone’s point of view.

To have integrity means to keep ones word in a matter of promises and agreements. Practice keeping your word for no reason. Step outside of the argument against yourself and simply do what you agreed you would do. Your customers, co-workers and people you interact with on a daily basis will show their respect and trust essentially improving your quality of communication.

How awesome does it feel to receive praise for a project you have been working hard on? Amazing, right? Encourage your co-workers the same way you would want them to do for you. Tell them what you think of their ideas and milestones. Offer solutions for help and recognize and appreciate their efforts they put forth. In return, they may do the same for you.

As mentioned by Scott Livingston a few weeks ago, PRIER takes a lot of pride in their listening skills. By listening, PRIER has improved their products and innovated new ones simply by listening to their customers. If you find yourself listening to the voice in your head that is planning your next meeting or what you are going to say next, you will see that you are not effectively listening to the person speaking. You can improve your communication by listening to the person that is speaking to you and by practicing being in the moment

What is work without fun? Take a five minute break and talk to your co-workers. Get to know something about them that you did not already know. It not only improves your quality of communication but it also improves your relationship with them as well. Also consider that if you are not excited about your possibilities in your work, they will not last. Have fun and have a great attitude on a daily basis!

Good luck and happy communicating!


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Build with Purpose

PRIER builds plumbing products with purpose. With 140 years of experience in listening to the customer and identifying needs, we design and build products that are easier to install and operate and stand the test of time.