PRIER Announces New Product: P-154 Lead-Free Residential Hydrant

by | Jul 24, 2018 | News / Press Releases | 0 comments

The P-154 solves two problems for homeowners and plumbers.  First, relocating the vacuum breaker from the top to the underside protects the integrity of the valve’s anti-siphon ability from potential damage caused by post-installation masonry work.  Second, as more people demand lead-free plumbing products, this valve  gives peace of mind to many homeowners with children or pets in close contact with the outdoor faucet.

“Our research and development team worked hard on finding the right solution to meet our customer’s needs, and are pleased with the design and functionality of the P-154,” stated Scott Brady, Engineering Manager for PRIER Products.

Regional Manager, Angelo Balistreri, is excited for his customers to have another reason to choose PRIER, “It will be nice to have another option.  Some inspectors across the country are starting to enforce lead-free on the hose threaded valves.  The P-154 now gives us a chance to win more of those opportunities.”

For more information on the P-154, visit our website at

Questions about this product can be directed towards PRIER’s dependable customer service department at 800-362-9055 or e-mail  To place an order, please send Purchase Orders to or via fax at 800-362-1463.


Build with Purpose

PRIER builds plumbing products with purpose. With 140 years of experience in listening to the customer and identifying needs, we design and build products that are easier to install and operate and stand the test of time.