New Year’s Traditions vs. Resolutions

by | Dec 18, 2013 | Blog | 0 comments

Growing up, my sister and I always opened one present on Christmas Eve and it was always an ornament for the tree. When we moved out of the house, my Mom boxed them up and sent them with us. I started this tradition with my daughter when she was young and she is now continuing it on with her two kids. Another tradition I love is Christmas Eve cheese fondue! My husband and I sit by the fire enjoying some down time alone eating delicious cheese fondue and sipping wine.

I decided to take this same approach at work. Instead of making a resolution to be more organized in the New Year, I have made it a tradition to go through my files at year end and clean them up, this way I can start the New Year fresh. I find that this is helpful and feels good! Along with paper files, I go through email and computer files and do the same thing. It is amazing how much space you can free up on your computer hard drive or server just by deleting old sent emails that are of no use anymore. As a bonus, it also makes it much easier to find emails you have purposely saved, and you feel more organized. So this year, why not try starting your own traditions at work and at home? See if they are easier and more fun to stick to and therefore, more successful for you as they have been for me.

One last tradition that I love:  instead of making the famous “go on a diet” resolution, I make it a tradition to try two new healthy recipes each week in January. I love to cook, so the ones I like I put into a weekly rotation and end up eating healthier all year through.  Have a happy and safe holiday and New Year’s!


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Build with Purpose

PRIER builds plumbing products with purpose. With 140 years of experience in listening to the customer and identifying needs, we design and build products that are easier to install and operate and stand the test of time.