Product Trailer Driving PRIER Sales

by | Jul 2, 2013 | Blog | 0 comments

Touchdown Sales’ primary focus is to educate plumbers on the value of PRIER’s line of wall and ground hydrants therefore, Sutherland decided he needed a show piece to highlight PRIER’s products. This thought resulted in the product trailer that displays the main residential and commercial hydrants as they would look on a customer’s home or commercial building. This trailer has some great artistry, with a picture of a cow drinking from a trough that was filled by a yard hydrant. While this may seem a little hokie, it has drawn a lot of attention which is exactly what they want.

Sutherland has shown off this trailer for less than 2 months and they are already seeing tremendous results. After the first month, his territory had their biggest sales month in their territory’s history. Hard work and innovation are driving PRIER’s sales in Utah and this creative design is paying dividends. Show and tell is open in Salt Lake City and PRIER is proud to have Touchdown Sales driving the trailer.


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Build with Purpose

PRIER builds plumbing products with purpose. With 140 years of experience in listening to the customer and identifying needs, we design and build products that are easier to install and operate and stand the test of time.