Save Some Green by Being Green

by | Apr 18, 2012 | Blog | 0 comments

As a manufacturer of primarily water-related products, PRIER strives to be GREEN in the consumption of resources, especially water. I would love to share some water-saving ideas with you on how changing habits can impact your money and also our planet.

Imagine this scenario: You get up from bed in the morning.

First Thing: Nature calls. Save some water by filling water bottles with water and placing them inside the holding tank of the toilet. This action displaces the total amount of water normally needed to turn off the filling mechanism while reducing the amount of flushing water in the tank. Make sure that the bottles do not interfere with the working equipment in the holding tank and that at least 1-1.5 gallons are available for flushing.

Bottles in holding tank

Second thing: Bathing.  Take a shower instead of a bath. Conserve water by using only what you need. Get wet, turn off the water, soap up, turn on the water, rinse… done.

Third thing: Brushing your teeth. Again, be conscious of your water consumption. Wet the brush, turn off the water, apply the paste and brush. Turn on the water to rinse and clean the brush. 

Fourth thing: For men, shaving. Wet your face, turn off the water, apply the shave cream/gel and shave. Rinsing the razor when needed, but keep the water off in between rinses. When done rinse your face, smile and know you just saved some money.

Doing these four things daily should put a little dent in the water bill. Want to carry this trend throughout the house? Here are some more tips.

Dishwashers: Remove excess food from the dinnerware by hand. Don’t rinse it off in the sink. We have a tendency to just let the water run while we take care of the dishes from a meal. Instead, if we let the dishwasher remove and clean the dinnerware then our investment is paying off. Most dishwashers rinse, then clean, then rinse and dry. Most of us do some of the work for the dishwasher and then we still pay for it to do it again.

There’s another dent in the water bill.

Disposal: Scrape the excess from dinnerware into the garbage, not the disposal.  We use a tremendous amount of water when using the disposal.  This will have an impact on consumption and therefore your MONEY. Another dent in the water bill. 

These are just a few of the areas we can concentrate on to save water.  If I have your attention, then visit this website for more ingenious ways to save on YOUR water consumption:

Outdoors is another great area to concentrate on, so here are some tips for outdoor savings:

Walk on the lawn. If it is soft, you may not need to water that day.

Water your lawn in the morning. A lot of sprinkler water is lost to evaporation when we service the lawn later in the day.  Save your water by ensuring that the maximum water makes it to the lawn.

Consider drip irrigation. This method concentrates the water where needed.

Choose your plants carefully. Plant flowers, trees and shrubs that can withstand a warmer/dryer climate so you don’t have to water as frequently. 

For more of these great tips, visit

Do you have any helpful tips of your own on how we can keep the GREEN moving? I encourage you to share your ideas in the comment section below.


About Joel: I’ve been married 43 years to a great lady, with whom I love to travel, watch “chick flicks” and everything else under the sun. I’m also a proud Grandpa/Papa to a pair of fast moving boys (6 and 7 years old) who are into everything sports related. I like golf, fishing and sports. I also love processes and teamwork and watching/helping an organization come into its own.


Build with Purpose

PRIER builds plumbing products with purpose. With 140 years of experience in listening to the customer and identifying needs, we design and build products that are easier to install and operate and stand the test of time.