
Getting Ready for the Garden

Getting Ready for the Garden

When the opportunity arrives, I start out by attaching my garden hose and turning the handle.  In the past, if I noticed a leak in the vacuum...

Solving the Innovation Equation

Solving the Innovation Equation

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but brainstorming is quite possibly, one of the worst methods of creating good ideas.  You will come up with a...

PRIER’s Outlook for 2017

PRIER’s Outlook for 2017

The political and economic climate of the United States makes talking about the upcoming year a little more difficult than it has been in the past. ...

Moving Onward

Moving Onward

While these are all great accomplishments for any company, we know that if we are not actively contributing to our community and seeking solutions...

PRIER is Growing!

PRIER is Growing!

Patricia is already excelling in her role as Customer Service Representative, entering new PRIER purchase orders and helping our customers by...

A Thankful Farewell

A Thankful Farewell

 This new year brings many changes in my life.  The biggest may be saying goodbye to a 50-year career in sales.  As I reflect on all my years of...

What a Year

What a Year

How did we do with our company objectives? Did we operate under the will of God? Did we help all associates become all they are meant to be, both...

Who’s Your Role Model?

Who’s Your Role Model?

We, as individual people, are no better than each other, as another individual, deep down inside. Some might have a nicer living space than others...

Fun at PRIER

Fun at PRIER

First and foremost, we all follow PRIER’s mission statement. By acting under the will of God and always doing what’s right it makes it easier to...

CNC Technology 101

CNC Technology 101

PRIER Products has accepted the challenge and the allure of technology to advance their manufacturing capabilities. In the last couple of years, the...

PRIER Introduces Two New Associates

PRIER Introduces Two New Associates

Julie Henry will be responsible for  accounts receivable.  It is her job to apply cash timely, insuring accurate customer records.  Accurate...

PRIER the Employer

PRIER the Employer

PRIER is creating a pay it forward type culture within its company. There is a little known trick to the trade that the PRIER management is nailing;...


Over the years, with the advancement of technology, we have lost touch with one another. Which is ironic since most of these advancements are in the...

Dobree Dén and Do Svidάniya

Dobree Dén and Do Svidάniya

At the time, growing up the way I did seemed like a burden.  Now I realize how fortunate I was and how those experiences have opened doors for me....

Inspired by Technology

Our switch to more modern software inspired me to use more technology in my personal life. Recently I tried a new app that combined exercise with...

PRIER Hosts Kansas City ASPE Chapter

PRIER Hosts Kansas City ASPE Chapter

Included in the tours were 16 plumbing engineers and designers who specify and work with PRIER’s products. The engineers and designers had the...